Can I Call you Joe Biden

I was so disappointed in the vice presidential debate. Sarah Palin proved she has the talent for the job, but I was completely annoyed by the constant banter of being a maverick and a cheerleader type speech. I felt like I was listening to my old baseball coach and telling us to go out there and give 110%. As for Biden, he completely under minded everything that has been promoted on the commercials like being for gay rights, when they really are not.

I am no where near being so called rich, but the idea that the more I make the more the government should be able to take is absurd. I can understand giving the same percentage which is still more if you make more money, but why would anyone want to be rich if it all is going to the government? Giving tax breaks to the poor, giving tax breaks to the rich is what both sides talked about. What we did not hear is, how the government is gonna stop spending these billions of dollars.

One word is all America wants to hear and that word is Jobs. Lets be honest, We don't care who pays more, we care about taking care of our families and having a good life. We have been so focused on the well being of other countries, we have lost track of our own. We need to get back to basics. Fisherman is not a fisherman unless he knows how to fish. A farmer cant Reap if he don't know how to sow.

My final thought is this and this goes out to the media. The first thing I seen about the debate is fact checking. We as a society have been so focused on facts, that we forgot about the message. "Sarah Palin is wrong, Obama didnt vote 94 times for tax increases, it was only 23 times". Did you see that message? The message was he did support tax increase, but the facts was incorrect and Sarah was wrong and so you should not support her because it was incorrect. So to you the media, stop being so focused on the facts and start listening to the message. Checking your Facts does make you right, but doesn't make you correct.


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