Set your phazor to Sex Captain Kirk

Sex the final frontier, these are the voyages of the doghouse, to seek out crazy people, new fetishes, to boldly go where no blog has gone before.
In William Shatner's autobiography, Up Till Now, he talks about how fans of the star trek show, would want to have sex with him and role play. They wanted Shatner to yell out "beam me up Scotty" and they tell him "so this is what it’s like to be in bed with Captain Kirk!”. I was wondering if he had to priceline negotiate the price? Shatner insists he couldn’t enjoy flings with the series’ most devoted followers because he was so turned off by their bizarre bedroom behavior. Sounds like it made him a little bit limp and unable to use his captain's log(I'm giving it all i can captain). It was sad to hear that the cast didn't get along to well. Nichele Nichols who played Lt Uhura, went as far to say at his celebrity roast, (talking about their and tv's first interracial kiss) “Let’s make TV history again… and you can kiss my black ass!”.
Well good luck Shatner with the book, and to the ladies that had sex with him, maybe you should of chose the captain that likes to say "make it so"


Anonymous said...

So funny, thank for this.

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