Your Internet is going to crash!!

AT&T is reporting by the year 2010 that the internet is going to crash. The company says that without substantial investment in network infrastructure in two years the internet will run out of bandwidth. The cause? Broadband, video, youtube, video streaming, and cable modems is the cause of the this "doomsday". AT&T says it's investing $19 billion to upgrade the backbone of the Internet, the routers, servers, and connections where the bulk of traffic is processed.
Is it me or do you smell a bull around here? I guess we have another y2k problem, oh wait I smelt a bull then too. I am sorry but this wreaks as bad as the crap behind y2k. This is going to cause mass hysteria to buy some product that they are going to sell that will fix this problem just like the y2k joke did. They are feeling the pressure of more and more people using the internet for their calls and no longer need the use of standard phones. I guess someone in the company watched south park and thought hey, lets start this rumor and make some money with it. This rumor has been around since 1995. They are only One provider and they are trying to plead this case to the government to get funding and guess what, If they succeed, we are going to be paying this with our tax money.
The sad thing is, it will probably work. Propaganda is a strong force and if you dont know and you here it on the news, it must be true. All I can say is if you believe this; If you dont click on my sponsors, Your children are going to come down with herpes and you are going to lose your gentitals

here is my addition to the destruction of the internet

Baddog Out
Doghouse with Baddog


Alexandria Knox said...

Wow, very interesting information! Good work on your site!

Eboe said...

My kids already have herpes. Nice try, though.

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